Small business Saturday is this Saturday November 28, 2015. First observed on November 27, 2010, it is a counterpart to Black Friday and Cyber Monday, which feature big box retail and e-commerce stores respectively. By contrast, Small Business Saturday encourages holiday shoppers to brick and mortar businesses that are small and local.
Flat Rock – Our Hometown and the Flat Rock Downtown Development Authority encourage everyone to Shop in Flat Rock where we have plenty of businesses where you can get something special for that loved one or special friend. There are plenty of Beauty Shops and specialties shops like Simpler Times or get dad that special tool at the Flat Rock Do-It Center. For that pet you can get them a great gift at Pet Needs Etc or maybe you want to spruce up you dinner table with flowers at Darlene’s Flower Shop. Check out our Business directory for all your holiday needs on Small Business Saturday or any Saturday in Flat Rock.
To print a reminder of Small Business Saturday and Flat Rock Our Hometown flyer, CLICK HERE.